St. George’s choir is made up of children (trebles) and adults, and currently has about 20 members. The organist and choirmaster is Julian Vanderput, who began in April 2024.
The trebles enter the choir at age seven or eight as probationers and are part of the team from the outset, learning and singing the same music as the adults. Trebles are paid an honorarium each month, depending on attendance and experience. This is an Anglican choral learning experience for children which is unique in the City of Winnipeg. The adults are all volunteer members.
The choir sings at the main service each Sunday (at 10:30am) from September through to the end of May. In addition, the choir sings at many special services throughout the year, including Choral Evensong 4 or 5 times per year, Nine Lessons and Carols at Christmas and others.
On Thursdays, the whole choir (adults and children) rehearses together on Thursday evenings.
St. George’s choir sang in Lincoln Cathedral, Lincoln, England, from August 8 to 14, 2011. Evensong was sung each weekday, and on the last Sunday, we sang Morning Prayer, the Eucharist and Evensong. Construction of the cathedral started in 1072, and was largely finished by 1200 and is huge — with great acoustics and a great pipe organ. Visit the Lincoln Cathedral website:
St. George’s Choir has been associated with the Royal School of Church Music for over 70 years, since 1954. The RSCM is a world-wide organization based in England, and has as its motto: “I will sing with the spirit and with the understanding also”.
Through their involvement in the choir, choristers are immersed in the liturgy and worship of the church, week by week. This involvement greatly strengthens and supports beliefs.
Trebles rehearse on Thursday (6:30 to 8:00 pm). Many trebles also take private music lessons. Adults rehearse each Thursday (7:15 pm to approximately 9:00pm). The whole choir also rehearses each Sunday morning (beginning 9:30am) prior to the service. While the commitment of time and effort is significant, the experience is meaningful and rewarding.
Being a treble at St. George’s is not all work and no play! Pizza, bowling, BBQ’s and other events are included in the fun and fellowship.
The choir is always interested in new members, especially boys and girls ages seven and up. We also welcome new adult members. Click here if you wish to enquire about joining the choir or want additional information, or contact us.
We’re always interested in hearing from those who, at one time, were members of the choir. Please take a moment to tell us about yourself, your experiences as a member, and what you’re presently doing! Click here to tell us about yourself or if you wish to inquire about joining, or to receive more information from us.
Former Organists and Music Directors
Rick Morgan served as Organist and Music Director from 2005-2024 (19 years).
Stuart Thomson served in this role from 1955-2005 (50 years).